
Wednesday 1 July 2020

Writing about giant pacific octopus

One time some guys Bob Paul and Alan were going scuba diving to go discover giant pacific octopus. Did you know that octopus blood stream is blue and they also have three hearts? Then the crew Bob Paul and Alan went and got ready for the day they went and went discovering about giant pacific octopus when they were packed with their stuff they might need on the trip tomorrow so they decided to go to sleep early and wake up early. The next day they went to meet up at the beach and grab the stuff that was in the car. Then Bob said clear the way a boat is coming for us to ride to go discover those big creatures so then they boat all those stuff like some wet suits, an air tank and a face mask to breathe with the air in the container. So then they hopped in the boat and Alan the driver started up the engine and reversed back into the sea and then they took off and went to go look for those giant pacific octopus and see where they live and if they're endangered. So then Paul said right here is good for now just wait till we put on those wet suits and go into the sea. Then they said lets go deeper if were going to find those octopus and see what they eat where they live and mostly if there endangered so they went closer and deeper till they saw what they were looking for this whole time they discovered where they live what they eat but the most important thing is there not endangered so they eat crabs and even sometimes birds. So the crew Bob Paul and Alan went back up and took off the wet suits and dried them self up with some towels and got dressed back into their normal clothes and went back to the boat place and revered back into the ramp for the boat to sit on and then they attached them to it and put the stuff back into the boot. Then they went home unharmed with no bite marks and told everyone that they were safe.

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